Course Descriptions

Online and in Person

I teach all courses online and in person. If you live within 500 miles of Santa Fe, New Mexico USA and can get a small group of six or more people together, you can book me to run any of these courses in person. I am happy to travel further if you pay my travel expenses. Otherwise, you can book me to run almost any course online.

Anapanasati (Mindfullness of Breathing Meditation)

Anapanasati is one of the two quintessential Buddhist meditation practices taught by Gautama Buddha to his disciples, which makes it one of the foundation stones of Buddhism. Anapanasati will eventually take the student to full enlightenment if practiced for long enough. It is the only meditation practice which will do so. Vipassana will not (I am aware this is a controversial statement to make).

The great power Anapanasati meditation bestows on those who practice it, is the ability to Disidentify from the content of consciousness, which opens the gateway to Identify with content of your choosing and a connection with your Soul. As such, learning to Disidentify is a skill which is essential for Personal Development. It is not an optional extra. Without the capacity to Disidentify, you are, quite literally, not in control of own your psyche and will not progress far along your path of Personal Development as a result.

Once you can Disidentify from the content of your consciousness, you take the helm of your psyche and take control of your life, under the guidance of your Soul. If you are engaged in personal growth, the Anapanasati meditation practice is an essential companion on your journey, when taught and practiced correctly (which is rarely).

Metta Bhavana Teaching

The beautiful Buddhist Metta Bhavana meditation practice is the prelude to experiencing Apramāṇa, the Four Brahmavihārās. The Brahmavihārās, are also known as the four immeasurables (Sanskrit: apramāṇa, Pāli: appamaññā).

The Four Brahmavihārās are:

I have practiced both Anapanasati and the Metta Bhavana since I was 18 years old. I have been experiencing Upekkhā (Equanimity) more frequently lately. It is a deep peacefulness and tranquility beyond words.

Introduction to the Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer Dynamics

The Victim, Persecutor and Rescuer roles are everywhere in our world. Often they are unhealthy coping mechanisms which interfere with internal peace, successful relationships and our capacity for authentic relating. Learn how to step out of these unhealthy and unsatisfying roles, and learn how to recognise when others are acting out these roles and how to skillfully deal with other peoples dysfunctional behavior.

The Four Bodies - Taoist Teachings

Every human being has four bodies. A physical body, a mental body, a spiritual body and an emotional body. Caring for your four bodies and aligning them correctly is an ancient Taoist Art. This training teaches you how to cultivate health and well-being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, according to the ancient Taoist teachings.

Emotional Contact

Our emotional bodies are sadly neglected and ignored, or even worse, are judged as 'irrational' and untrustworthy. The truth is that emotional health and well-being is as important as physical and mental well-being. In fact, our emotional state directly impacts our physical health and our mental stability. I teach people how to develop a stable emotional body and how to appropriately acknowledge and express every feeling we experience.

Introduction to Tarot Studies (Year 1)

Tarot has three levels of practice.

  1. As a tool for divination.
  2. As a system for personal growth.
  3. As a system for learning the correct use of will.

This is the first year of a three year tarot training. This class covers all the basics of the arcana. Major cards, Minor cards, Court Cards, the fours Elements, and basic Kaballah. The next group starts in March 2020.

Contact me if you are interested in joining this group.

Click here to find out more about this course.